Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Cheney's mistake

All this hu-bub surrounding president Cheney's shooting his friend is complete bull.

"Cheney said he drank a beer with lunch the day of the shooting, according to his interview. The shooting took place about 5:50 p.m."
He had a beer before hunting holy crap. Let's crucify the guy.

Oh and here's the reaction from the guy who got shot
"Banko said he had spoken with Whittington about the uproar surrounding the incident, and his reaction was that it was "much ado about nothing.""

He at least has it right. There isn't much going on here. The fact that all the media is in an uproar about how long it took Cheney to release a public statement is preposterous (did you see the press conference). I'm very happy it took him that long. I want a government officials to take care of the problem first then tell the media about it. The media seems to feel that he should've called them while his friend was still bleeding on the ground. The media isn't appalled at how long it took Cheney to call them, they're just pissed they missed a photo op.

So Cheney get out there, and tell off the media for being morons. Stand up for yourself. Tell them it was a terrible thing that happened, and the fact that they want to dramatize it is deplorable.

So media, go do your jobs, find a real story. That's called investigative reporting. What you're doing now is called blowing a story out of proportion because you haven't been doing your real job.


At 10:39 PM, Blogger Otis said...



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