Monday, May 01, 2006

The nightmare

So I was hanging out with a few friends *(both the Lauras). Then this gorgeous stereotypical "Italian" girl shows up with long black hair. She smiled at me, and, naturally, I smile back. Then one of the Laura's asks me if I was ready for our date Tuesday night (me and the Italian girl). Oh crap, I had completely forgotten. The dread. The horror. Oh the humaniy. I had asked this girl out two nights before. Now I couldn't even seem to remember her name. I couldn't even remember how I met her. Did I meet her at Laura P's b-day pool party? Did I meet her at church? Nonsense I never meet girls at church. Then my focus shifted to who the other girl was. Who did I double schedule over? Who would I break the date with? Then I realized I was faced with three girls, two of which were probably good friends. I can't remember Italian girls name! They are going to gang up on me. Then I yelled good-bye to the ladies, and ran out the front door.

Then I woke up (and the Nightmare continues). I spent a good 30 minutes trying to figure out if I really had a date on Tuesday or if it really was a dream. Who was the Italian girl? I think I really did ask that Italian out, but it was in a dream two nights prior. Why must this fantasy relationship torture me so?

Additionally I'm still a bit disturbed that I ran. I'm not typically someone to run from that sort of situation (not that I'm usually in that situation despite the impression some of you have). I don't think I've ever run from a situation like that. I've always wanted to run, but I've always successfully repressed those fears. Things almost always work out better when you stick it out.


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