The scarf

This whole thing got me to thinking, she was exactly the kind of girl I need to find. I need someone who intimidates me. Someone who gives me butterflies. Someone I'm going to have to work for. If things don't go well at first I have a tendancy to just give up. I need to pursue. I suck at pursuit. I'm afraid to fight for a girl. Why is that? Maybe I'm just afraid of the failure? Maybe I'm afraid I'll actually get the girl just in time to learn that she really isn't the girl for me?
Someone that can keep my attention. Someone that can kick my ass at foosball. Someone who has as much brains as beauty (I don't typically have a problem with this one). Someone who makes my heart skip every time I see her. Someone who is happy (been down that road before). Someone who can relate with me spiritually. Someone that makes me wonder if I'm really worthy. I've compromised way too much in the past. I know myself, and I know what I need. I know what God has wired me to desire. Now if he would just introduce me to her I'd be all set. Hopefully I'll actually fight for her next time.
I am so glad I have guy friends who remind me that there is hope after all.
So fight! Because whoever she is, she is worth it and you do deserve her.
I really didn't have anyone in particular in mind when I wrote this.
I absolutely understand what you`re talking about.
I`m expecting for that kind of girl.
Guess this was not my year.
Scarves, yeap...
I've got one (two actually)
And the yellow and white striped (stripped?)one... well, it has yellow and white stripes, is my favourite. Though winter here is gone.
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