Thursday, October 06, 2005

Backups, Windows, and the Dentist

I hate the dentist. My hygenist wouldn't shut up. She kept going on and on about how mouthwash was bad. I couldn't believe it. She basically said that mouthwash kills all the good bacteria, but doesn't kill the bad stuff. That sure is a new one.

So my work laptop hasn't been reformatted in more than 2 years, and frankly it's turned into a dog. It's so messed up that ping and ipconfig miraculously stopped working. I checked my path, and put system32 back in it, but that didn't help.

I'm trying to backup as much as I can, and I plan on blowing the sucker away. I'm already on my fourth CD of stuff I need, and I haven't even started working on my Linux partition. I doubt the linux partition will take that much though.

I can't wait till I get a new laptop.


At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to know where she got that idea from. But, I did a PubMed search and came up with this abstract, which may explain it.

If you have those resistant strains, though, you probably have bigger problems than plaque.


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