Thursday, December 01, 2005

Electric personality.

Cars have been shocking me remarkably regularly since it started getting not hot. It's starting to get annoying. Today it shocked me even through my coat. I think it may have something to do with the dirty ground on the throttle body.

As an aside from yesterday. No I'm not up on music or pop culture. I just don't have time, and I really am that bad with names. Even band names. All I know is I like what I like, but don't expect me to know what they're called. I will however sing it for you. So I hereby request all of my friends to educate me. Let me borrow your CD's one at a time preferably so I can keep them all straight.

So in response to a top ten favorite album request from Tim yesterday. Here is a list of my top ten favorite movies.

In no particular order
10. About a boy
9. Lord of the Rings Trilogy (extended edition of course)
8. Theres Something about Mary (I don't know why this is here, but I'm feeling it today)
7. Army of Darkness
6. Band of Brothers (ok it's a made for TV movie)
5. Kung-fu hustle.
4. Shoalin Soccer
3. Kung Pao Enter the Fist
2. ZooLander
1. High Fidelity

Honorable mention: Waterboy or most anything else Adam Sandler.

I know I'm missing something. Consider this an off the top of my head list. I'm sure there are a few I'm missing.


At 10:41 AM, Blogger Amy said...

Yay for Nick Hornsby! The books for About A Boy and High Fidelity are even better than the movies. Which I agree are fantastic.

At 11:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Amy on High Fidelity, as I'd definitely put it in my top 3 movies of all time, and probably in my top 5 books of all time.

Never saw the movie for About a Boy, but the book was excellent, as were all the works I've read by Hornby.



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